Tuesday, April 24, 2018

All posture in Yoga | MANDUKASAN |

My title page contents



Position -

Sit in the position of Vajrasana and the two hands tied in such a way that the thumb remains inside. Establish the handmade side of the navel and lean forwardwards leaving the respiration, but keep in mind that the buttocks did not rise above the floor. The neck and the eyes will remain towards the front and the elbows will stay behind. Hold the breath in the right direction, then take the breath and come up.


Benefit -
  • This posture is particularly affected by the digestive system. 
  • With this practice, there is enough heat in the body. 
  • Through it all diseases of the digestive system, constipation, diarrhea, respiratory diseases such as asthma, bronchitis, sinocytes etc. are removed.
Caution -
  1. The patient of spondylitis should not practice this posture.
  2. Stay stop

Monday, April 23, 2018

All posture in Yoga [ Bhujangasan ]



Position -

Lie like a snake. Position the feet in such a way that the pedal should be towards the sky and both the pedal should be interconnected. Then, after emphasizing the hands, lift the front part of the body so much that both hands should be straight from the elbows. Keep in mind that the thighs do not get up even slightly from the land. Stop being able to do so and then become normal.


Benefit -
  • Increased flexibility of the spinal cord, 
  • helpful in bringing about energy in the body, 
  • lack of obesity, 
  • beneficial in the back and shoulder pain, 
  • and useful in all diseases of the digestive system.
Caution -
  1. The practice of this posture is prohibited for the patient of a Hernia and in pregnancy.
  2. Patients with severe disease should carefully practice it in consultation with the mentor.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

All Posture in Yoga [ Sarpasan ]

Lie down Posture in Yoga


  • Lie down on the stomach. 
  • The paws and the edges of the feet will be received. 
  • Keep in mind that the toes and the fingers are folded inwards. 
  • The hand will remain located in such a way that touch the ground parallel to the chest and the fingerprints are in front. 
  • The head will remain on the ground. 
  • After this, with the help of hands, gradually raising the upper part of the body of the navel, and looking at towards the sky. 
  • After doing this 3 times, rise up in the same way and look at the ankles by moving the neck from the left-hand side to the right, respectively. 
  • Do this up to 3 times. After that becomes normal. The increase or decrease in the number will be on the basis of effort.
Yoga Sarpasan


The person suffering from spondylosis should keep chin on the ground instead of the forehead.

  • Increased flexibility of the spinal cord
  • helpful in bringing energy to the body
  • reduction of obesity
  • beneficial in the back and shoulder pain
  • and useful in all diseases of the digestive system.

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Yoga Kapol Sakti Vikasak [ Breathing ]


Yoga-Kapol Sakti Vikasak

Method -

Standing on both legs  Take out the entire air from both the nose and then close the nose with the thumb of both hands so that the other fingerprints should touch each other. 

Then circle the mouth and inhale the outside air into the sound of the Sur-Sur and flush the cheeks fully and apply it with the chin chest.

After preventing breathing as soon as possible, bring the air in front of both the eyes in front of both eyes and slowly move the inside air slowly out of the nose.

Benefits -

The practice of this action brings redness on the cheeks and does not require any kind of exotic beauty.
The teeth will strong. There are also benefits in Pyorrhea and other related diseases of the mouth.

Friday, April 13, 2018

Yoga - Swas-Praswas | Breathing |

Standing Posture in Yoga

Swas-Praswas (Breathing)

Position -

First stand upright with the feet and keep the part from head to shoulder straight.

1.   Now holding the neck straight and looking at the front, take the breath from both noses and leave it.

2.  After that, take a breath and leave the head behind the head and look at it.

3.   Now take a breath of 6 feet away from the feet and take the breath and leave it.

4.    Now down the chin to the chest and take a breath and watch it.

Yoga Swans Praswans

Benefits -

Stutter-stuttering away, enhancing the power to think, obtaining mildness in bitter words, wisdom and patience, and helpful in penetrating all the chakras.

Caution -

Do not bow down to the person suffering from spondylitis


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